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David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso! Empty David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso!

Mensagem por Francisco Pinheiro Qui Abr 28, 2011 7:24 am

Olá amigos. Esses dias recebi um email de David X, o criador de The Rules of David. Como não sei bem inglês, o Google traduziu a mensagem, mas eu a coloco aqui para os senhores bilingues de plantão. Finalmente se conheceram e se reuniram, 3 dos maiores expoentes do Jogo Direto do mundo, com ênfase para Ala Currie, criador de Mode One, tão apreciado por nós. Também ênfase em David X, que nesse email me fala que durante um seminário com a presença de mulheres, ele fala abertamente para elas que elas estão molhadas ! Pelo menos foi o que eu entendi. Ese é o David X que conhecemos, sempre pensando em voz alta.
Existe links que, se acessados, darão acesso aos vídeos e áudios que o David X promete. O Sasha me enviou, mas quem não sabe inglês pena mesmo nso dias de hoje. Bem, o negócio é muito bom, só peço que alguém traduza, pelo menso se realmente tiver vídeo:

Hey Lcio,

In November of 2010, I flew to England to attend the Direct Dating Summit. I have to say that it is THE BEST seminar that I have ever spoken at, and I want YOU to have the opportunity to see it for yourself.

One of the highlights of the seminar was when Alan Roger Currie joined me on stage while talking to two beautiful women. One of the women was particularly sassy; a ball-buster, if you will. Near the end of our conversation, I could sense that they were getting wet, and I told them so and they freaked out.

In this seminar, you will witness exactly HOW to talk to women. This goes far beyond stupid things like pickup lines and magic tricks. I PERSONALLY demonstrate HOW to talk to women, and in doing so, you are going to learn that it is incredibly easy to do.

When I do phone coaching with my students, I get them to open up and level with me. Of all the guys that I have coached, there is one thing that they have in common. That is, they are ALL very intelligent guys with above average IQs. They are not bums; they are not homeless. No. They are very bright young guys that have received bad advice from other guys in the community, many of which are big names, yet suck with women in real life.

I have never consulted anybody else for how to pick up women, so everything that I share with you, either through phone coaching or the upcoming Direct Dating Summit DVD release, will work. It is because my system, if you can call it that, works on two rules. TWO RULES!

I am not telling you to memorize a bunch of false stories to entertain the woman. I am NOT going to tell you how to lie to women to get them into bed. Instead, I will teach you how to be honest with women by telling them what you want. I will teach you how to be romantic, even if you are not a romantic guy.

When I first started to teach men how to get women, I did not believe that such a community existed. I thought that it was a joke. One of my former business associates would bring guys to talk to me, then once I realized how many guys were having trouble with women, I thought ?there is so much more for me!?

In other words, the number of guys that have trouble getting women is astounding, and it is because they do not know and understand my two rules. Once I spend enough time talking to a student, they get the two rules and then they do not need me anymore. Why? It is because I showed them that the key to their salvation is within themselves.

Think about this for a second: If so many guys out there are having trouble getting women, how many women can you get once you absorb my two rules? Surely, two rules cannot be hard to remember. Guys are going to continue having trouble with women for a long time yet, so this is your chance to capitalize because there are tons of single, lonely women out there that are looking for a guy like you.

However, let us do a reality check. The guys who have easy access to women are gazillionaires and rock stars. In other words, you will not be able to compete with those guys. But, the good news is that there are not very many gazillionaires and rock stars. After those two categories, it is guys just like you who are remaining.

Do yourself a favor and get the Direct Dating Summit DVD. I am very proud of what I did there and I really want to share it with you. It is going to be released in May, so now is your opportunity to get on the Direct Dating Summit mailing list to stay up to date on its release.

Click the following link: for all the latest info about DVD release and upcoming promotions. Make sure you sign up with your name and email address. Once you sign up, you will gain access to some great promotional materials, including an extremely insightful phone conversation I had with my friends Alan Roger Currie and Sasha.

David X
Francisco Pinheiro
Francisco Pinheiro

Mensagens : 262
Data de inscrição : 15/10/2010

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David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso! Empty Re: David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso!

Mensagem por Francisco Pinheiro Qui Abr 28, 2011 7:35 am
Francisco Pinheiro
Francisco Pinheiro

Mensagens : 262
Data de inscrição : 15/10/2010

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David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso! Empty Re: David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso!

Mensagem por gcomelli Sex Abr 29, 2011 12:55 am

LI O TREM MAS TO SEM Tempo de traduzir (nem deu tempo pra tira o caps lock)

ele ta falando q tem 2 regras pra conquistar mulehres, e te ofereceu um DVD dele kkkkkkkkkk

Basicamente é isso, disse "não vou ensinar vc a mentir para mulheres para levar elas pra cama, e sim como ser honseto e sincero, e até romantico e conseguir levar elas pra transar do mesmo jeito"

Mensagens : 214
Data de inscrição : 03/02/2011

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David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso! Empty Re: David X, Badboy e Alan Currie Juntos ! Atenção Nisso!

Mensagem por gcomelli Sex Abr 29, 2011 10:13 am

Mais uma coisa sobre isso:

Sou fluente em ingles, então entrei no site, e ouvi a conversa pelo skype dos 3 ao mesmo tempo, uma conversa de 45 minutos diretão.

Cada coisa que foi dita lá, incrível. É impressionante como todos respeitam David X como se fosse o Pai Supremo de toda sedução, quando ele falava, Badboy se calava e o Alan currie também.

Nessa conversa eles tratam desde abordagem (com vários exemplos que deram certo para eles) até como não ser um mangina, mentiroso e lambedor de saltos.

Mensagens : 214
Data de inscrição : 03/02/2011

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