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Dalai Lama - "O Mundo Será Salvo Pela Mulher Ocidental ! "

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Mensagem por Golgo 13 Qua Mar 09, 2011 5:58 am

The Dalai Lama - "The World Will Be Saved By the Western Woman"

About a month ago, the Dalai Lama said something about women that is just now making the rounds on Twitter. His statement, "The world will be saved by the western woman," was delivered during the Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, which opened on the morning of Sunday, September 27th.

Although I'm still trying to track down a transcript of the speech containing the above statement, the Dalai Lama participated in more than one panel discussion that day, and the event most likely to have provoked such a strongly worded declaration was the "Nobel Laureates in Dialogue: Connecting for Peace" presentation held that afternoon. Moderated by former Irish president and peace activist Mary Robinson, the panel discussion featured four Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: the Dalai Lama (who won in 1989); Mairead Maguire and Betty Williams, founders of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement and winners of the Nobel in 1976; and anti-landmine crusader Jody Williams, an American peace prize winner in 1997.

If the "western woman" statement were made in the context of the Dalai Lama's appearance with these extraordinary women, the words would seem less stunning than sensible. Truly, these western women have already changed the world, and have been doing so for more than three decades.

Writing for the Interaction Institute for Social Change (IISC) blog, executive director Marianne Hughes ponders the idea of the aging women as hag (originally a representation of feminine power) and how it relates to the Dalai Lama's statement:

I'm not entirely sure what he meant...but I am wondering if when he travels across the globe and sees so many of our sisters impoverished and repressed he sees western women of all ages in a position to speak out for justice and to take on the responsibilities of the hag... to take loving care of the planet and its people.

The Dalai Lama's comment about western women was not the only notable pro-female statement he made during the summit. In the Vancouver Sun, Amy O'Brian quotes others including a call for "increased emphasis on the promotion of women to positions of influence."

In response to a moderator's question about what he sees as priorities in the quest for world peace, here's what the Dalai Lama said:

Some people may call me a feminist....But we need more effort to promote basic human values -- human compassion, human affection. And in that respect, females have more sensitivity for others' pain and suffering.

World-saving aside, women do what they do because it's work that needs to be done. None of them do it with an eye toward winning a Nobel Peace Prize, but the acknowledgment is valuable in that it draws attention to these efforts and eases the ever-present fund-raising struggle...and recruits more followers, like those who are retweeting the Dalai Lama's statement. Hopefully every woman who forwards those words will dig down deep enough to find the source of his inspiration and understand that he honors real women whose work continues day in, day out...regardless of whether they're in the limelight or not.

Golgo 13
Golgo 13

Mensagens : 767
Data de inscrição : 11/12/2010

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Dalai Lama - "O Mundo Será Salvo Pela Mulher Ocidental ! " Empty Re: Dalai Lama - "O Mundo Será Salvo Pela Mulher Ocidental ! "

Mensagem por Navarre Qua Mar 09, 2011 11:04 am

Nunca leve a serio qualquer coisa dita por um lider religioso. Eles tem uma visao distorcida da realidade, sao parciais, e defendem apenas ideias resonantes a teologia deles.

Me parece que o Lama estah totalmente conectado com o mundo atual. Ele entende que vive no mundo do espetaculo onde frases de impacto fazem manchetes.
Ele eh um tremendo marketeiro em causa propria, defender a liberdade do Tibete.

Gostaria de saber onde ele quer chegar com essa declaracao.
"Femeas tem mais sensitividade pela dor e sofrimento dos outros"
Isso vindo de um virgem de 75 anos. Ele realmente nunca experimentou a "compaixao" de uma mulher.
Elas sao mais sensiveis ao sofrimento alheio, e sabem como tirar proveito da situacao. Sao egoistas demais para agir de alguma forma. Soh movem o traseiro do lugar para defender alguma causa de proveito proprio, quando nao empurram os homens para fazer o trabalho.

Sao homens que tem que ir para a guerra, que tem que levar alimentos a desabrigados, e lutam nas ruas contra regimes opressores. Elas dao apoio moral e levam a fama de ativistas.

Quando uma unica mulher morreu de um tiro no Iran, o mundo parou. Enquanto centenas de homens morrem, ninguem liga.

Mundo do espetaculo.
Eh nisso que se tornarah o mundo dominado por mulheres.

Mensagens : 571
Data de inscrição : 07/02/2011
Idade : 47

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Mensagem por Convidad Qua Mar 09, 2011 2:14 pm

Dalai Lama defecando pela boca.

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Mensagem por barão_kageyama Qua Mar 09, 2011 2:33 pm

Dalai Lama - "O Mundo Será Salvo Pela Mulher Ocidental ! " Facepalm-2325_7560

Mensagens : 1689
Data de inscrição : 19/10/2010
Idade : 25
Localização : Caraguatatuba

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Dalai Lama - "O Mundo Será Salvo Pela Mulher Ocidental ! " Empty Re: Dalai Lama - "O Mundo Será Salvo Pela Mulher Ocidental ! "

Mensagem por Rus Qua Mar 09, 2011 4:19 pm

Ele está defendendo o seu público, porque a maioria dos que compram seus livros ou assistem seus discursos são mulheres. O Dalai Lama está rico viajando por por aí, nem tem ideia de como o mundo real seja.

Mensagens : 719
Data de inscrição : 20/10/2010
Localização : São Paulo

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